Emergency Services Academy Finland
Emergency Services Academy Finland strengthens the safety and security of society by providing vocational education, further training, and continuing professional education for rescue service and emergency response centre professionals. The Academy also provides preparedness training.
The Emergency Services Academy is responsible for the training system of contract fire brigade personnel as well as for the training, recruitment, and deployment of personnel to international civil protection operations. The Academy coordinates research, development, and innovation activities (RDI) in rescue services and maintains the rescue services’ central library.
Degree programmes
At the Emergency Services Academy, you can complete an Emergency Response Centre Operator degree, a Firefighter degree, a Sub-Officer degree or a Bachelor of Rescue Services degree. Studying at the Academy is based on high-quality education in which diverse learning environments are actively utilised.
Other education and training
Emergency Services Academy Finland provides continuing professional education in rescue services and ERC operations, preparedness training, and training for experts sent to international civil protection operations. The Academy also answers for the training system of contract fire brigade personnel.
Research, development, and innovation activities (RDI)
Emergency Services Academy Finland is responsible for coordinating research activities in rescue services on a national level. Our research, development, and innovation activities include analysing the RDI needs of rescue services and compiling research data. We follow both national and international research projects and provide summaries as needed.
We carry out RDI projects both independently and in cooperation with various stakeholders. Particular focus is on promoting the utilisation of research data in rescue services, for example by integrating research results into the educational offering of the Emergency Services Academy.
Library and information services
Do you need information or statistics on the rescue service sector? We provide information and insights for developing the rescue service sector and for training and educating experts. We publish research papers, reports, learning materials, and digital materials and maintain the rescue services’ resource and accident statistics system Pronto.
The Emergency Services Academy library is the central library of the entire rescue service sector. The library is the most extensive collection of rescue service sector publications in Finland.
Emergency Services Academy in figures
Degree students per year
103 074
Training days per year
For visitors
When you arrive at the Emergency Services Academy campus, first register at the lobby service desk located by the main entrance to get the required parking permit and information on the general practices of the Emergency Services Academy. The lobby services are open Mon–Fri 7:30–16:30.
Emergency Services Academy Finland
Visiting address: Hulkontie 83, 70820 Kuopio